Nikki Claire Durrant
7 min readJan 17, 2021

How I Became A Yoga Dancer

My first encounter with Yoga Dance was in March 2005. I was invited by, my then Dynamic Flow Yoga Teacher from the La Fitness gym in Canary Wharf, Olof, to a home studio in a corner of North West London called Willesden. I agreed to go to this class partly because I was in love with Olof and thought that we were meant to be together forever in eternal yoga bliss, and also because he told me something that no other yoga teacher had ever told me before. “I think you have a talent for this.”

You see, in 2005 I had only been practicing yoga for two years up to that point. It all started in 2003 with a…

Nikki Claire Durrant

Yoga Dancer and Lover of Love and Chocolate.